On the Subject of Rubik’s Clock

Time is a relative concept. But it can absolutely turn you crazy.

It’s possible to solve it like an actual Rubik’s Clock.

Alternatively, repeat until all clocks on the front and back side are set to 12 o’clock:

  • Select an instruction in the table below based on which clock is lit (big square) and which pin is lit (small square).
  • Select two modifications from the second table:
    • If this is your first iteration: The first four characters of the serial number determine respectively: action of the 1st modification, amount of the 1st modification, action of the 2nd modification and amount of the 2nd modification.
    • Otherwise: Go one row down for both actions and both amounts you used in the previous iteration. If you go past the last row, wrap to the top.
  • If you have ‘Move’ modification(s), apply them to the instruction square. If you go past an edge, wrap to the opposite side of the grid.
  • In the instruction square, the top two arrows indicate which pins to toggle state (push or pull). The bottom arrow and number indicate which gear to rotate for how many hours clockwise. An overline means counterclockwise instead.
  • If you have other modification(s), apply them to alter the instructions. ‘Rotate’ modifications are applied first.
  • Apply the modified instructions to the Clock. Turn the Clock over to the other side.


⇖ ⇘
⇙ 6
⇖ ⇗
⇘ 6
⇖ ⇘
⇙ 4
⇖ ⇘
⇘ 1
⇙ ⇘
⇖ 2
⇖ ⇗
⇙ 6
⇗ ⇙
⇗ 4
⇗ ⇙
⇗ 3
⇗ ⇙
⇗ 1
⇖ ⇗
⇖ 6
⇗ ⇘
⇘ 4
⇖ ⇙
⇖ 3
⇙ ⇘
⇖ 4
⇖ ⇙
⇘ 1
⇖ ⇙
⇗ 5
⇖ ⇗
⇖ 3
⇖ ⇙
⇙ 1
⇖ ⇙
⇘ 5
⇗ ⇘
⇖ 2
⇗ ⇘
⇙ 3
⇖ ⇗
⇗ 5
⇙ ⇘
⇘ 4
⇖ ⇘
⇙ 2
⇖ ⇙
⇘ 5
⇙ ⇘
⇗ 4
⇙ ⇘
⇘ 2
⇗ ⇙
⇙ 3
⇗ ⇘
⇙ 5
⇗ ⇙
⇗ 1
⇖ ⇘
⇖ 5
⇗ ⇘
⇗ 2
⇖ ⇘
⇖ 2
⇙ ⇘
⇙ 3
⇗ ⇙
⇘ 6
⇗ ⇘
⇗ 6
⇖ ⇗
⇖ 1


Action Amount (x)
A B C Move x big squares to the right Number of AA batteries + 1
D E F Move x small squares down Number of lit indicators + 1
G H I Change other pins if x is even Number of batteries + 1
J K L Move x big squares up Number of unlit indicators + 1
M N O Move x small squares to the right Number of D batteries + 1
P Q R Rotate other way if x is odd Number of indicators + 1
S T U Move x big squares to the left Number of AA batteries + 1
V W X Move x small squares up Number of lit indicators + 1
Y Z 0 Add x hours clockwise Number of batteries + 1
1 2 3 Move x big squares down Number of unlit indicators + 1
4 5 6 Move x small squares to the left Number of D batteries + 1
7 8 9 Add x hours counterclockwise Number of indicators + 1